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Como criar Documentos no Eye Peak via WebServices?

Última alteração a 13/02/2023

Este documento descreve os passos necessários para criar o seu primeiro Documento no Eye Peak via WebServices.

A arquitetura do Eye Peak permite que sejam integrados dados de sistemas externos tais como ERPs, sendo que os tipos de dados que poderão ser integrados são: artigos, entidades, documentos, armazéns, unidades e famílias.

A integração de sistemas externos é realizada através de Web Services, conforme já explicado no artigo “Como criar um projeto de integração com o Eye Peak via Webservices?”.


  • PRIMAVERA Eye Peak;
  • Visual Studio 2013 ou superior;
  • NET Framework 4.0.

Passo 1 – Criar uma classe “Documents” para proceder ao tratamento dos métodos dos Documentos

  1. Usar como base o projeto disponibilizado no artigo “Como criar um projeto de integração com o Eye Peak via Webservices?”.
  2. Criar uma nova classe “Documents.cs” que irá servir de aglomerador dos métodos de tratamento dos Documentos.
  3. Adicionar no início da classe o namespaces associado ao serviço criado no ponto anterior -  "using Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS";
  4. Criar os métodos “Criar”, “Alterar” e “Remover” conforme o código abaixo:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS;

namespace Sync.WMS
    public class Documents
        private WMSDataImportClient m_WSClient;

        public Documents()
            m_WSClient = Utils.WS_CLIENT();

        public void Add()
            // Web Service of the Entity to be used
            Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS.DocRequest wsEntity = new DocRequest();

            //Required Fields
            wsEntity.DocSeries = "VGR";
            wsEntity.DocNum = 52;
            wsEntity.WarehouseCode = "A1";
            wsEntity.ERPCompany = "DEMOWMS510";
            wsEntity.EntityCode = "0280";

            //This field is essential. Eye Peak wil search for the document by the following fields
            wsEntity.ERPDocID = wsEntity.DocSeries + wsEntity.DocNum.ToString();

            //Linhas do documento
            DocDetail[] docLines = new DocDetail[1];
            docLines[0] = new WMSDataImportWS.DocDetail();
            docLines[0].SKU = "2000000027";
            docLines[0].Qty = 10;
            docLines[0].DocLineNum = 1;
            docLines[0].Warehouse = "A1";
            docLines[0].ERPProductCode = "ERPProductCode";

            docLines[0].PreparationDate = DateTime.Now;
            docLines[0].ContainerQty = 1;

            //Set the lines to the document
            wsEntity.DocLines = docLines;

            object result;
            result = m_WSClient.SaveDoc(wsEntity);

        public void Change()
            // Web Service of the Entity to be used
            Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS.DocRequest wsEntity = new DocRequest();

            //This field is essential. Eye Peak wil search for the document by the following fields
            wsEntity.ERPDocID = "VGT/2018" + "70";
            wsEntity.ERPCompany = "DEMOWMS510";

            //Required Fields
            wsEntity.DocSeries = "VGT/2018";
            wsEntity.DocNum = 70;
            wsEntity.WarehouseCode = "A1";
            wsEntity.ERPCompany = "DEMOWMS";
            wsEntity.EntityCode = "F0001";
            wsEntity.Active = true;

            //Documetn Lines
            DocDetail[] docLines = new DocDetail[1];
            docLines[0] = new WMSDataImportWS.DocDetail();
            docLines[0].SKU = "A0001";
            docLines[0].Qty = 20;
            docLines[0].DocLineNum = 1;
            docLines[0].Warehouse = "A1";

            docLines[0].PreparationDate = DateTime.Now;
            docLines[0].ContainerQty = 1;

            //This field is essential. Eye Peak will search the lines by this field
            docLines[0].ERPDocDetailID = wsEntity.ERPDocID + "1";

            //Set the lines to the document
            wsEntity.DocLines = docLines;

            object result;
            result = m_WSClient.SaveDoc(wsEntity);

        public void Remove()
            // Web Service of the Entity to be used
            Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS.DocRequest wsEntity = new DocRequest();

            //This field is essential. Eye Peak wil search for the document by the following fields
            wsEntity.DocSeries = "VGR";
            wsEntity.DocNum = 68;
            wsEntity.ERPCompany = "DEMOWMS510";

            object result;
            result = m_WSClient.DeleteDoc(wsEntity);

        public void Cancel()
            // Web Service of the Entity to be used
            Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS.DocRequest wsEntity = new DocRequest();

            //This field is essential. Eye Peak will do the search of the exsiting document by this Identifier which was sent at the time of the documento was addded
            wsEntity.ERPDocID = "{A9AF7F86-A6A5-11E6-9BEE-000C29C4601C}";

            //Required Fields
            wsEntity.DocSeries = "ECF/2016";
            wsEntity.DocNum = 12;
            wsEntity.WarehouseCode = "A1";
            wsEntity.ERPCompany = "DEMOWMS510";
            wsEntity.Active = false;

            object result;
            result = m_WSClient.SaveDoc(wsEntity);

        public void Close()
            // Web Service of the Entity to be used
            Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS.CloseDocRequest wsEntity = new CloseDocRequest();

            //Required Fields
            wsEntity.ERPCompany = "DEMOWMS510";
            wsEntity.DocID = 57;

            //Query to obtain the DocID for the document ECF/2016 with the number 12:

             * SELECT D.DocID FROM T_WMS_DOC D
             * WHERE DF.DocSeries = 'ECF/2016' AND D.DocNum = 12

            object result;
            result = m_WSClient.CloseDoc(wsEntity);

        public void Edit()
            // Web Service of the Entity to be used
            Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS.DocRequest wsEntity = new DocRequest();

            //Required Fields
            wsEntity.DocID = 3198;
            wsEntity.ERPCompany = "TesteEyePeak";

            object result;
            result = m_WSClient.EditDocID(wsEntity);

        public void CreatePickingByContainer()
            // Web Service of the Entity to be used
            Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS.DocRequest wsEntity = new DocRequest();

            //Required Fields
            wsEntity.ERPCompany = "DEMOWMS510";

            object result;
            result = m_WSClient.CreatePickingByContainer(wsEntity, 3174, 33, "999999999990");

        public void ListDocumentListWithDivergencies()

            // Web Service of the Entity to be used
            Sync.WMS.WMSDataImportWS.DocListRequest wsEntity = new DocListRequest();

            //Possible Fields
            wsEntity.ERPCompany = "TesteEyePeak";
            //wsEntity.IncludePending = true;
            //wsEntity.IncludeStart = true;
            wsEntity.IncludeToConfirm = true;
            //wsEntity.IncludeClosed = true;
            //wsEntity.IncludeCancel = true;
            //wsEntity.IncludeExport = true;
            //wsEntity.DocSeries = "VGR";
            //wsEntity.DocMinNum = 188;
            //wsEntity.DocMaxNum = 190;
            //wsEntity.EntityCode = "";
            //wsEntity.WarehouseCode = "";
            //wsEntity.DocMinDate = null;
            //wsEntity.DocMaxDate = null;
            //wsEntity.ERPDocID = "";
            //wsEntity.IncludeZeroConfirmedQtyLines = true;

            object result;
            result = m_WSClient.GetDocListWithDivergencies(wsEntity);

Passo 2 – Criar a chamada ao método de criação do Documento

Criar uma chamada ao método “Add”.

private void btnAddDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	Sync.WMS.Documents Document = new Sync.WMS.Documents();

Passo 3 – Criar a chamada ao método de alteração do Document0

Criar uma chamada ao método “Change”.

private void btnChangeDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	Sync.WMS.Documents Document = new Sync.WMS.Documents();

Passo 4 – Criar a chamada ao método de eliminação do Documento

Criar uma chamada ao método “Remove”.

private void btnRemoveDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	Sync.WMS.Documents Document = new Sync.WMS.Documents();

Passo 5 – Criar a chamada ao método de edição de um Documento

Criar uma chamada ao método “Edit”.

private void btnEditDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	Sync.WMS.Documents Document = new Sync.WMS.Documents();

Passo 6 – Criar a chamada ao método de cancelar um Documento

Criar uma chamada ao método “Cancel”.

private void btnCancelDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	Sync.WMS.Documents Document = new Sync.WMS.Documents();

Passo 7 – Criar a chamada ao método de fecho de um Documento

Criar uma chamada ao método “Close”.

private void btnCloseDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	Sync.WMS.Documents Document = new Sync.WMS.Documents();

Passo 8 – Criar a chamada ao método de criação de picking do Documento

Criar uma chamada ao método “CreatePickingByContainer”.

private void btnCreatePicking_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	Sync.WMS.Documents Document = new Sync.WMS.Documents();

Passo 9 – Criar a chamada ao método de listagem dos documentos com divergências

Criar uma chamada ao método “ListDocumentListWithDivergencies”.

private void btnDocumentsWithDivergencies_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	Sync.WMS.Documents Document = new Sync.WMS.Documents();

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