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How to record the occurrence of events on Track & Trace?

Last changed in 13/07/2021

Besides the normal use of the Production module, either using the ERP or the Collection Terminal, it is possible to record events on Track & Trace using the existing extensibility mechanisms (Web API or PEX). For that, an event engine is made available on the Production module for Track & Trace, designed by TNTEventos.

The occurrence of events associated with the Production module processes (IPC, FPC, IPR, FPR, RQF, and RQL) must be recorded, by using the engines for those same processes, for example, recording a pending/start work log instead of recording directly the Track & Trace event using the TNTEventos engine. This way, all processes related to the occurrence of the event will be performed, for example, sending notifications, if that configuration is active. To learn more about the processes associated to each event, you should read the article (Which data is collected by Track & Trace?)

However, all events can be recorded using the TNTEventos engine. This engine makes available two methods to record events on Track & Trace:

  • Update: support all event types;
  • Inserts: only supports handling events of the LPM type and allows to send notifications.

Types of events available

The events created on Track & Trace are always of the following types:

IPCWork log start
FPCWork log end
IPRStoppage start
FPRStoppage end
RQFManufactured quantities record
RQLQuality record
LPMMachine parameter reading

The events IPC, FPC, IPR, FPR, RQF, and RQL are associated to processes existent on the ERP/Collection Terminal. The LPM event is an event specifically created to record the machine parameters that offer information of interest for analysis, for example, temperature (see article).

An eighth type of event is available (INI) for the initialization of the day, and it is exclusively used by Track & Trace.

Event structure

Each Track & Trace event is made of fields that identify and localize them on the period where it occurred, by fields that define where the event has occurred, and by fields that specify the values associated with the event.

On the following table, you can view the available fields:

DateDate of occurrence of the event.
TypeType of event.
DescriptionEvent description.
StateState of the Work Center resulting from the event.
Source KeyKey of the record that originated the event (e.g.: Stoppage ID).
Parameter 1Event parameter 1.
Parameter 1 DescriptionDescription of event parameter 1.
Parameter 2Event parameter 2.
Parameter 2 DescriptionDescription of event parameter 2.
Parameter 3Event parameter 3.
Parameter 3 DescriptionDescription of event parameter 3.
Parameter 4Event parameter 4.
Parameter 4 DescriptionDescription of event parameter 4.
Parameter 5Event parameter 5.
Parameter 5 DescriptionDescription of event parameter 5.
Value 1First value associated to the event.
Value 2Second value associated to the event.
Value 3Third value associated to the event.
Value 4Forth value associated to the event.


Each one of these event types follows its own mapping regarding the parameters and values that constitute them. Without exception, the first three parameters contain the same value in all event types:

Parameter 1Section
Parameter 2Work Center
Parameter 3Manufacturing Order

The remaining parameters and values are filled in as follows for each one of the existent event types (the parameters/values not presented are not filled in for that event type):

IPC – Work log start

Parameter 4Operation (of the manufacturing order)
Parameter 5Item(of the manufacturing order)

FPC – Work log end

Parameter 4Operation (of the manufacturing order)
Parameter 5Item (of the manufacturing order)

IPR – Stoppage start

Value 3Description of the type of stoppage
Value 4Description of the type of failure

FPR – Stoppage end

Value 3Description of the type of stoppage
Value 4Description of the type of failure

RQF – Manufactured quantities record

Parameter 4Operation (of the manufacturing order)
Parameter 5Item (of the manufacturing order)
Value 1Manufacture quantity
Value 2Rejected quantity

RQL – Quality record

Value 4Quality record result (OK, NOK)
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