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How to extend the ECHO Assistant (v10.10)?

Last changed in 23/02/2021

The Echo Assistant is a tool that generates messages of interest for the user and that allows to execute some of the tasks available in the versions 9 and 10 of the ERP.

This assistant has a strong extensibility component, allowing the integrating partners to create interest topic for its clients. Topics can be produced for ECHO to achieve two different goals:

  1. Execute code outside of the process, that is, execute deferred tasks, without blocking the ERP operation;
  2. Show a message that exposes interest situations for the user of a specific feature, using database searches.

The ECHO integration API in the ERP also allows to create a conversation during the use of the product to help the user perform specific tasks or follow steps, considering that it can insert in the messages links to external resources or drill down operations in the ERP.

Creating and installing topics

From the Service Release 1 of the v10.10, it is possible to create and install a topic for ECHO using Visual Studio.

Note: The v10 has support up to version 2019.

To create and install topics, follow these steps:

  1. Install the extension "Primavera.Bot.TemplateSR1.vsix", available in the folder "ManuaisSDKERPBotTopics" and in the PRIMAVERA GitHub repository;
  2. Create a new project of the type "Primavera.Bot.TemplateTopic";
  3. After creating the project, follow the steps in the "Readme.md" file, created with the project;
  4. To configure the tasks, your nature and the scheduling, you must review the SQL files "DevelopersNetworkTopicSQL.sql" and "TemplateTopicBaseSQL.sql" present in the project. The file is documented to help you customize the definitions. More detailed explanations will be given for this file configuration in the following articles;
  5. Compile in debug environment for the folder APLHurPluginsBot;
  6. Ensure that the records in the tables "Bot.BotTopics" and "Bot.BotTasks" are created in the PRIEMPRE database;
  7. In productive, simply put the topic DLL in this folder and all the client dependencies that are not already in the APLHUR folder;
    Note: Using different versions of the same DLLs can cause issues when executing the remaining topics.
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