Cloud Rose DevelopmentPostman


Last changed in 26/08/2022

Postman allows you to test the endpoints of the cloud products, such as ROSE and JASMIN. For that, you can download using the buttons below or by forking the collections using the workspaces available at

App Sign Up

If you don't have a PRIMAVERA entity, start by signing up here and create your App. After creating your App, you must allow access to a subscription.

  1. To give permission, edit your App.
  2. Select the menu Authorization.
  3. Press the link App Store Preview Link.
  4. Select the button Add and select the subscription.

Install the collection

Click the button below to install the Postman collection for


Click the button below to install the Postman collection for JASMIN.

Set up the Authentication

ROSE and Jasmin use OAuth 2.0 security, so the first thing to do before using the postman collection is set up how this customer will be authenticated in the product.

  1. In Postman, select the menu Collections.
  2. Select the folder "ROSE API Collection" or "Jasmin API Collection".
  3. Select the tab Authorization.
  4. On the combobox Type, select OAuth 2.0.
  5. On the combobox Add authorization data, select Request Headers.
  6. On the section Configure New Access Token, insert the following information.
Token NameThe name of the token being used.
Grant TypeSelect Authorization Code or Implicit. This depends on the type of access selected on the app registration.
Callback URLUse
Auth URLUse
Access Token URLUse
Client IDUse the Key field value on your app.
Client SecretUse the secret generated when registering your app. This field is not available if the grant type is Implicit.
ScopeUse rose-api for ROSE and application for Jasmin.
Client Authentication
Use Send as Basic Auth header.


For the collection to work, it is necessary to contextualize the subscription being used.

  1. In Postman, select the menu Collections.
  2. Select the folder "ROSE API Collection" or "Jasmin API Collection".
  3. Select the tab Variables.
BaseUrlUse for ROSE and for JASMIN
AccountKeyThis value can be obtained from the URL after entering the app on the ?account parameter.
SubscriptionKeyThis value can be obtained from the URL after entering the app on the ?subscription parameter.
CompanyKeyCompany code. This variable is used for entities associated with a company, for example, invoices.
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